Leila Amgoud | Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) |
Kevin Ashley | University of Pittsburgh |
Katie Atkinson | University of Liverpool |
Pietro Baroni | University of Brescia |
Trevor Bench-Capon | University of Liverpool |
Neil Benn | University of Leeds |
Philippe Besnard | Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) |
Floris Bex | University of Dundee |
Elizabeth Black | King's College London |
Guido Boella | University of Torino |
Ivan Bratko | University of Ljubljana |
Gerhard Brewka | Leipzig University |
Simon Buckingham Shum | Open University |
Martin Caminada | University of Luxembourg |
Claudette Cayrol | Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) |
Carlos Chesñevar | Universidad Nacional del Sur |
Sylvie Coste-Marquis | Universite d'Artois |
Juergen Dix | Clausthal University of Technology |
Sylvie Doutre | Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) |
Phan-Minh Dung | Asian Institute of Technology |
Paul Dunne | University of Liverpool |
John Fox | University of Oxford |
Jim Freeman | City University of New York |
Dov Gabbay | King's College London |
Alejandro Garcia | Universidad Nacional del Sur |
Massimiliano Giacomin | University of Brescia |
Lluis Godo | Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial (IIIA) |
Tom Gordon | Fraunhofer FOKUS |
Floriana Grasso | University of Liverpool |
Nancy Green | University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
Davide Grossi | University of Liverpool |
David Hitchcock | McMaster University |
Michael Hoffman | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Jeff Horty | University of Maryland |
Anthony Hunter | University College London |
Antonis Kakas | University of Cyprus |
Jeroen Keppens | King's College London |
Gabriele Kern-Isberner | Technische Universität Dortmund |
Paul Krause | University of Surrey |
Nicolas Maudet | Université Paris Dauphine |
Peter McBurney | King's College London |
Jérôme Mengin | Université Paul Sabatier à Toulouse |
Sanjay Modgil | King's College London |
Timothy Norman | University of Aberdeen |
Nir Oren | University of Aberdeen |
Fabio Paglieri | Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione |
Simon Parsons | City University of New York |
Henri Prade | Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) |
Henry Prakken | Utrecht University, University of Groningen |
Iyad Rahwan | Masdar Institute of Science & Technology |
Chris Reed | University of Dundee |
Giovanni Sartor | University of Bologna |
Carles Sierra | Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial (IIIA) |
Guillermo Simari | Universidad Nacional del Sur |
Katia Sycara | Carnegie Mellon University |
Francesca Toni | Imperial College London |
Paolo Torroni | University of Bologna |
Leon Van Der Torre | University of Luxembourg |
Frans Van Eemeren | University of Amsterdam |
Rineke Verbrugge | University of Groningen |
Gerard Vreeswijk | Utrecht University |
Doug Walton | University of Windsor |
Adam Wyner | University of Liverpool |
Program Chair | Bart Verheij | Institute of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen |
Conference Chairs | Stefan Szeider | Vienna University of Technology |
Stefan Woltran | Vienna University of Technology | |
Demonstrations coordinator | Adam Wyner | University of Liverpool |