include/common.h [code] | |
include/config.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/AggregateAtomTable.h [code] | Table for storing Aggregate Atoms |
include/dlvhex2/AggregatePlugin.h [code] | Implements DLV aggregates based on external atoms |
include/dlvhex2/AnnotatedGroundProgram.h [code] | Stores an ordinary ground program with some meta information, e.g. mapping of ground atoms back to external atoms, cycle information |
include/dlvhex2/AnswerSet.h [code] | Answer set container: holds interpretation and information about model cost (for weak constraints) |
include/dlvhex2/AnswerSetPrinterCallback.h [code] | Helpers for printing objects to streams |
include/dlvhex2/ASPSolver.h [code] | ASP solver software implementations |
include/dlvhex2/ASPSolverManager.h [code] | Declaration of ASP solving facility (for concrete solvers see ASPSolver.h) |
include/dlvhex2/Atoms.h [code] | Storage classes for atoms: Atom, OrdinaryAtom, BuiltinAtom, AggregateAtom, ExternalAtom, ModuleAtom |
include/dlvhex2/BaseModelGenerator.h [code] | Base class for model generator factories and model generators |
include/dlvhex2/Benchmarking.h [code] | Benchmarking features |
include/dlvhex2/BuiltinAtomTable.h [code] | Table for storing Builtin Atoms |
include/dlvhex2/CAUAlgorithms.h [code] | Function templates related to Common Ancestor Units (CAUs) |
include/dlvhex2/CDNLSolver.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/ChoicePlugin.h [code] | Support for choice literals in rule heads |
include/dlvhex2/ClaspSolver.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/ComfortPluginInterface.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/ComponentGraph.h [code] | Component Graph interface |
include/dlvhex2/ConcurrentMessageQueueOwning.h [code] | Inter-thread syncronisation using a queue that owns its messages using a shared_ptr |
include/dlvhex2/ConditionalLiteralPlugin.h [code] | Support for conditional literals in rule bodies |
include/dlvhex2/Configuration.h [code] | Configuration container (previously global variables) |
include/dlvhex2/DependencyGraph.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/DLVProcess.h [code] | Process interface to DLV programs |
include/dlvhex2/DLVresultParserDriver.h [code] | Parser for DLV answer set output |
include/dlvhex2/DumpingEvalGraphBuilder.h [code] | Evaluation Graph builder that dumps its evaluation plan |
include/dlvhex2/DynamicVector.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/Error.h [code] | Exception classes |
include/dlvhex2/EvalGraph.h [code] | Template for Evaluation Graph |
include/dlvhex2/EvalGraphBuilder.h [code] | Framework for heuristics to build an EvalGraph from a ComponentGraph |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicASP.h [code] | Evaluation heuristic that uses ASP to plan hex evaluation |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicBase.h [code] | Evaluation heuristic base class |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicEasy.h [code] | Evaluation heuristic that just uses a simple but nontrivial heuristic |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicFromFile.h [code] | Evaluation heuristic that uses collapse commands from given file |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicGreedy.h [code] | Evaluation heuristic that groups components in as few units as possible. This maximizes the effect of external behavior learning |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicMonolithic.h [code] | Implementation of a trivial evaluation heuristic which puts everything into one unit |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicOldDlvhex.h [code] | Evaluation heuristic corresponding to old DLVHEX strategy |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicShared.h [code] | Code used in multiple evaluation heuristics |
include/dlvhex2/EvalHeuristicTrivial.h [code] | Evaluation heuristic that just uses the compgraph as eval graph |
include/dlvhex2/ExternalAtomEvaluationHeuristics.h [code] | Concrete classes with heuristics for external atom evaluations in genuine G&C model generators |
include/dlvhex2/ExternalAtomEvaluationHeuristicsInterface.h [code] | Base class for external atom evaluations in genuine G&C model generators |
include/dlvhex2/ExternalAtomTable.h [code] | Table for storing External Atoms |
include/dlvhex2/ExternalAtomVerificationTree.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/ExternalLearningHelper.h [code] | Provides helper functions for writing learning functions. Consider TestPlugin.cpp to see how these methods are used |
include/dlvhex2/ExtSourceProperties.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/FinalEvalGraph.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/FLPModelGeneratorBase.h [code] | Base class for model generators using FLP reduct |
include/dlvhex2/FLPModelGeneratorBase.tcc [code] | Implementation of generic FLP check |
include/dlvhex2/FunctionPlugin.h [code] | Support for function symbol handling via external atoms |
include/dlvhex2/fwd.h [code] | Forward declarations for many classes, especially shared pointers |
include/dlvhex2/GenuineGuessAndCheckModelGenerator.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/GenuinePlainModelGenerator.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/GenuineSolver.h [code] | Interface to genuine nonground disjunctive ASP Grounder and Solver (powered by gringo/clasp or internal grounder/solver) |
include/dlvhex2/GenuineWellfoundedModelGenerator.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/GraphvizHelpers.h [code] | Helpers for creating graphviz output |
include/dlvhex2/GringoGrounder.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/GuessAndCheckModelGenerator.h [code] | Model generator for eval units that do not allow a fixpoint calculation |
include/dlvhex2/HexGrammar.h [code] | Grammar for parsing HEX using boost::spirit |
include/dlvhex2/HexGrammar.tcc [code] | Implementation of HexGrammar.h |
include/dlvhex2/HexParser.h [code] | HEX parser interface and the basic HEX parser |
include/dlvhex2/HexParserModule.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/HigherOrderPlugin.h [code] | Plugin for higher order rewriting |
include/dlvhex2/ID.h [code] | Header to help using and debugging within the ID concept |
include/dlvhex2/InputProvider.h [code] | Input stream provider (collects input sources) |
include/dlvhex2/InternalGroundASPSolver.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/InternalGroundDASPSolver.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/InternalGrounder.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/Interpretation.h [code] | Bitset interpretation using bitmagic library |
include/dlvhex2/LiberalSafetyChecker.h [code] | Implements new safety criteria which may be used in place of strong safety |
include/dlvhex2/Logger.h [code] | Logging facility with comfortable indentation and closures |
include/dlvhex2/ManualEvalHeuristicsPlugin.h [code] | Plugin for specifying evaluation units in HEX input |
include/dlvhex2/MLPSolver.h [code] | Solve the ic-stratified MLP |
include/dlvhex2/MLPSyntaxChecker.h [code] | Checking syntax for modular logic programs |
include/dlvhex2/ModelBuilder.h [code] | Base template for model building of a ModelGraph based on an EvalGraph |
include/dlvhex2/ModelGenerator.h [code] | Base classes for model generators |
include/dlvhex2/ModelGraph.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/Module.h [code] | Module structure: stores module name, the associated input list, edb and idb |
include/dlvhex2/ModuleAtomTable.h [code] | Table for storing Module Atoms (module calls --> [q1,q2]::r(a,b,c) ) |
include/dlvhex2/ModuleTable.h [code] | Table for storing Modules: ModuleName, inputList, edb, idb. Use struct from Module.hpp |
include/dlvhex2/Nogood.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/NogoodGrounder.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/OfflineModelBuilder.h [code] | Template for offline model building of a ModelGraph based on an EvalGraph |
include/dlvhex2/OnlineModelBuilder.h [code] | Template for online model building of a ModelGraph based on an EvalGraph |
include/dlvhex2/OrdinaryASPProgram.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/OrdinaryASPSolver.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/OrdinaryAtomTable.h [code] | Table for storing Ordinary Atoms (ground or nonground) |
include/dlvhex2/PlainAuxPrinter.h [code] | Helper for printing auxiliary objects for the user |
include/dlvhex2/PlainModelGenerator.h [code] | Model generator for the "Plain" type of components |
include/dlvhex2/PlatformDefinitions.h [code] | Platform-specific definitions |
include/dlvhex2/PluginContainer.h [code] | Container class for plugins |
include/dlvhex2/PluginInterface.h [code] | Interface that can/should be implemented by a plugin |
include/dlvhex2/Predicate.h [code] | Predicate structure: stores predicate and its arity |
include/dlvhex2/PredicateMask.h [code] | Incrementally managed bitmask for projecting ground interpretations to certain predicates |
include/dlvhex2/PredicateTable.h [code] | Table for storing Predicates |
include/dlvhex2/Printer.h [code] | Printer classes for printing objects stored in registry given registry and ID |
include/dlvhex2/Printhelpers.h [code] | Helpers for printing objects to streams |
include/dlvhex2/Process.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/ProcessBuf.h [code] | Iostreams interface to external programs |
include/dlvhex2/ProgramCtx.h [code] | Program context |
include/dlvhex2/PythonPlugin.h [code] | Supports Python-implemented plugins |
include/dlvhex2/QueryPlugin.h [code] | Plugin for cautions/brave ground/nonground queries in dlvhex |
include/dlvhex2/Registry.h [code] | Registry for program objects, addressed by IDs, organized in individual tables |
include/dlvhex2/Rule.h [code] | Rule: store rules (not facts!), constraints, weak constraints |
include/dlvhex2/RuleTable.h [code] | Table for storing Rules |
include/dlvhex2/SafetyChecker.h [code] | Class for checking rule and program safety |
include/dlvhex2/SATSolver.h [code] | Interface to (genuine) SAT solvers |
include/dlvhex2/Set.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/State.h [code] | |
include/dlvhex2/StrongNegationPlugin.h [code] | Plugin for handling strong negation (extended programs) via rewriting to non-extended programs |
include/dlvhex2/Table.h [code] | Base class for all Tables |
include/dlvhex2/Term.h [code] | Term class: stores constants, constant strings, and variables |
include/dlvhex2/TermTable.h [code] | Table for storing Terms |
include/dlvhex2/UnfoundedSetChecker.h [code] | Unfounded set checker for programs with disjunctions and external atoms |
include/dlvhex2/UnfoundedSetCheckHeuristics.h [code] | Base class and concrete classes with heuristics for unfounded set checks in genuine G&C model generators |
include/dlvhex2/UnfoundedSetCheckHeuristicsInterface.h [code] | Base class for unfounded set checks in genuine G&C model generators |
include/dlvhex2/URLBuf.h [code] | Iostreams interface for libcurl |
include/dlvhex2/WeakConstraintPlugin.h [code] | Implements weak constraints |
include/dlvhex2/WellfoundedModelGenerator.h [code] | Model generator for eval units that allow a fixpoint calculation |
mlp-generator/Module.cpp [code] | Generate a random program (with some parameter settings) for benchmarking For star, line, ring, diamond, and random topology |
src/AggregatePlugin.cpp [code] | Implements DLV aggregates based on external atoms |
src/AnnotatedGroundProgram.cpp [code] | Stores an ordinary ground program with some meta information, e.g. mapping of ground atoms back to external atoms, cycle information |
src/AnswerSet.cpp [code] | AnswerSet class |
src/AnswerSetPrinterCallback.cpp [code] | Implementation of default answer set printer callback |
src/ASPSolver.cpp [code] | ASP Solvers |
src/ASPSolver_dlv.cpp [code] | ASP Solvers dlv integration (thread + external DLV process) |
src/ASPSolver_libclingo.cpp [code] | ASP Solver libclingo integration (thread + queue, no extra fork/process) |
src/ASPSolverManager.cpp [code] | ASP Solver Manager |
src/Atoms.cpp [code] | Implementation of Atoms.hpp |
src/AtomSet.cpp [code] | AtomSet class |
src/BaseModelGenerator.cpp [code] | Implementation of common model generator functionalities |
src/Benchmarking.cpp [code] | Benchmarking features (implementation) |
src/BoostComponentFinder.cpp [code] | Strategy class for finding SCCs and WCCs from a given program graph, using the Boost Graph Library |
src/CAUAlgorithms.cpp [code] | Implementations related to Common Ancestor Units (CAUs) |
src/CDNLSolver.cpp [code] | SAT solver based on conflict-driven nogood learning |
src/ChoicePlugin.cpp [code] | Support for choice literals in rule heads |
src/ClaspSolver.cpp [code] | Interface to genuine clasp 3.1.1-based Solver |
src/ComfortPluginInterface.cpp [code] | Comfortable plugin interface implementation |
src/ComponentGraph.cpp [code] | Implementation of the component graph |
src/ConditionalLiteralPlugin.cpp [code] | Support for conditional literals in rule bodies |
src/Configuration.cpp [code] | Configuration container (previously global variables) |
src/DependencyGraph.cpp [code] | Dependency Graph interface |
src/dlvhex.cpp [code] | Main() |
src/DLVProcess.cpp [code] | |
src/DLVresultParserDriver.cpp [code] | |
src/DumpingEvalGraphBuilder.cpp [code] | Evaluation Graph builder that dumps its evaluation plan |
src/empty.cpp [code] | |
src/Error.cpp [code] | Exception classes |
src/EvalGraphBuilder.cpp [code] | Implementation of the eval graph builder |
src/EvalHeuristicASP.cpp [code] | Implementation of an evaluation heuristic that uses ASP to plan hex evaluation |
src/EvalHeuristicEasy.cpp [code] | Implementation of a nontrivial but simple evaluation heuristic |
src/EvalHeuristicFromFile.cpp [code] | Implementation of an evaluation heuristic that simply executes commands from a file |
src/EvalHeuristicGreedy.cpp [code] | Evaluation heuristic that groups components in as few units as possible. This maximizes the effect of external behavior learning |
src/EvalHeuristicMonolithic.cpp [code] | Implementation of a trivial evaluation heuristic which puts everything into one unit |
src/EvalHeuristicOldDlvhex.cpp [code] | Implementation of an evaluation heuristic corresponding to old dlvhex |
src/EvalHeuristicShared.cpp [code] | Implementation of shared evaluation heuristic functionality |
src/EvalHeuristicTrivial.cpp [code] | Implementation of a trivial evaluation heuristic |
src/ExternalAtomEvaluationHeuristics.cpp [code] | Concrete classes with heuristics for external atom evaluations in genuine G&C model generators |
src/ExternalAtomVerificationTree.cpp [code] | Implements a tree representation of IO-nogoods |
src/ExternalLearningHelper.cpp [code] | Provides helper functions for writing learning functions. Consider TestPlugin.cpp to see how these methods are used |
src/ExtSourceProperties.cpp [code] | Definition of properties of external sources |
src/FLPModelGeneratorBase.cpp [code] | Base class for model generators using FLP reduct |
src/FunctionPlugin.cpp [code] | Support for function symbol handling via external atoms |
src/GenuineGuessAndCheckModelGenerator.cpp [code] | Implementation of the model generator for "GuessAndCheck" components |
src/GenuinePlainModelGenerator.cpp [code] | |
src/GenuineSolver.cpp [code] | Interface to genuine nonground disjunctive ASP Solvers powered by clingo or internal solver |
src/GenuineWellfoundedModelGenerator.cpp [code] | Implementation of the genuine model generator for "Wellfounded" components |
src/GraphProcessor.cpp [code] | Control center for traversing and evaluating the program graph |
src/GraphvizHelpers.cpp [code] | |
src/GringoGrounder.cpp [code] | Interface to genuine gringo 4.4.0-based grounder |
src/GuessAndCheckModelGenerator.cpp [code] | Implementation of the model generator for "GuessAndCheck" components |
src/HexGrammar.cpp [code] | Template Instantiations for HexGrammar.h |
src/HexParser.cpp [code] | HEX parser implementation |
src/HigherOrderPlugin.cpp [code] | Plugin for cautions/brave ground/nonground queries in dlvhex |
src/ID.cpp [code] | Implementation of the ID concept |
src/InputProvider.cpp [code] | |
src/InternalGroundASPSolver.cpp [code] | ASP solver based on conflict-driven nogood learning |
src/InternalGroundDASPSolver.cpp [code] | Extension of InternalGroundASPSolver to disjunctive programs |
src/InternalGrounder.cpp [code] | Grounder for disjunctive logic programs |
src/Interpretation.cpp [code] | Implementation of the (bitset-)interpretation |
src/LiberalSafetyChecker.cpp [code] | Implements new safety criteria which may be used in place of strong safety |
src/Literal.cpp [code] | Literal class |
src/Logger.cpp [code] | Implementation of logging facility |
src/ManualEvalHeuristicsPlugin.cpp [code] | Plugin for specifying evaluation units in HEX input |
src/MLPSolver.cpp [code] | |
src/MLPSyntaxChecker.cpp [code] | |
src/Nogood.cpp [code] | Data structures for CDNLSolver |
src/NogoodGrounder.cpp [code] | Implements a grounder for nonground nogoods |
src/ParserDriver.cpp [code] | C++ interface to the bison parser |
src/PlainAuxPrinter.cpp [code] | Helper for printing auxiliary objects for the user |
src/PlainModelGenerator.cpp [code] | Implementation of the model generator for "Plain" components |
src/PluginContainer.cpp [code] | Container class for plugins |
src/PluginInterface.cpp [code] | Definition of Classes PluginAtom, PluginRewriter, and PluginInterface |
src/PredicateMask.cpp [code] | Incrementally managed bitmask for projecting ground interpretations to certain predicates |
src/Printer.cpp [code] | Printer classes for printing objects stored in registry given registry and ID |
src/ProcessBuf.cpp [code] | |
src/ProgramCtx.cpp [code] | Program context |
src/PythonPlugin.cpp [code] | Supports Python-implemented plugins |
src/QueryPlugin.cpp [code] | Plugin for cautions/brave ground/nonground queries in dlvhex |
src/Registry.cpp [code] | Registry for program objects, addressed by IDs, organized in individual tables |
src/RuleMLOutputBuilder.cpp [code] | Builder for RuleML 0.91 output |
src/SafetyChecker.cpp [code] | Class for checking rule and program safety |
src/SATSolver.cpp [code] | Interface to (genuine) SAT solvers |
src/State.cpp [code] | State class |
src/StrongNegationPlugin.cpp [code] | Plugin for cautions/brave ground/nonground queries in dlvhex |
src/Term.cpp [code] | Implementation of Term.h |
src/TextOutputBuilder.cpp [code] | Builders for text output |
src/UnfoundedSetChecker.cpp [code] | Unfounded set checker for programs with disjunctions and external atoms |
src/UnfoundedSetCheckHeuristics.cpp [code] | Base class and concrete classes with heuristics for unfounded set checks in genuine G&C model generators |
src/UnfoundedSetCheckHeuristicsInterface.cpp [code] | Base class for unfounded set checks in genuine G&C model generators |
src/URLBuf.cpp [code] | Iostreams interface for libcurl |
src/WeakConstraintPlugin.cpp [code] | Implements weak constraints |
src/WellfoundedModelGenerator.cpp [code] | Implementation of the model generator for "Wellfounded" components |
testsuite/dummytypes.cpp [code] | Implementation of dummy replacement types for testing (model building) templates |
testsuite/dummytypes.h [code] | Dummy replacement types for testing (model building) templates |
testsuite/fixtureE1.cpp [code] | Implementation of testing fixtures related to sample graph ${E}_1$ |
testsuite/fixtureE1.h [code] | Interface for testing fixtures related to sample graph ${E}_1$ |
testsuite/fixtureE2.cpp [code] | Implementation of testing fixtures related to sample graph ${E}_2$ |
testsuite/fixtureE2.h [code] | Interface for testing fixtures related to sample graph ${E}_2$ |
testsuite/fixtureE2M2.cpp [code] | Implementation of testing fixtures related to sample graphs ${E}_2$ and ${M}_2$ |
testsuite/fixtureE2M2.h [code] | Interface for testing fixtures related to sample graphs ${E}_2$ and ${M}_2$ |
testsuite/fixtureEx1.cpp [code] | Implementation of testing fixture for unit testing example 1 |
testsuite/fixtureEx1.h [code] | Interface of testing fixture for unit testing example 1 |
testsuite/fixtureOfflineMB.h [code] | |
testsuite/fixtureOnlineMB.h [code] | |
testsuite/fixturesDepgraphCompgraphGeneric.h [code] | Generic testing fixtures for dependency and component graphs |
testsuite/fixturesExt1.h [code] | Interface for testing fixtures related to sample program from Roman's thesis |
testsuite/fixturesMCS.h [code] | Interface for testing fixtures related to MCS-IE |
testsuite/graphviz.h [code] | |
testsuite/TestASPSolver.cpp [code] | Test ASPSolver manager and concrete implementation classes |
testsuite/TestBenchmarking.cpp [code] | Test multiply nested benchmarking |
testsuite/TestComponentGraph.cpp [code] | Test the component graph |
testsuite/TestDependencyGraph.cpp [code] | Test the dependency graph builder (and the graph) |
testsuite/TestDLVProcess.cpp [code] | |
testsuite/TestEvalEndToEnd.cpp [code] | Test evaluation starting from HEX program to final models |
testsuite/TestEvalGraph.cpp [code] | Unit tests for EvalGraph template |
testsuite/TestEvalHeuristic.cpp [code] | Test evaluation heuristics |
testsuite/TestHexParser.cpp [code] | Test HEX parser |
testsuite/TestHexParserModule.cpp [code] | Test HEX parser for Module atoms |
testsuite/TestMLPSolver.cpp [code] | TestMLPSolver |
testsuite/TestModelGraph.cpp [code] | Unit tests for ModelGraph template |
testsuite/TestOfflineModelBuilder.cpp [code] | Unit tests for OfflineModelBuilder template |
testsuite/TestOnlineModelBuilder.cpp [code] | Unit tests for OnlineModelBuilder template |
testsuite/TestPlainHEX.cpp [code] | |
testsuite/TestPlugin.cpp [code] | Test-plugin for the dlvhex-testsuite |
testsuite/TestTables.cpp [code] | Test tables for storing AST data efficiently |
vs10/getopt.c [code] | |
vs10/getopt.h [code] | |
vs10/term.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bm.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmalgo.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmalgo_impl.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmalloc.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmblocks.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmconst.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmdbg.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmdef.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmfunc.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmfwd.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmgamma.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmrandom.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmserial.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmsse2.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmsse4.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmsse_util.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmtrans.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmundef.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmutil.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/bmvmin.h [code] | |
vs10/bm/encoding.h [code] | |
vs10/dlvhex/config.h [code] | |
vs10/libdlvhex/config.h [code] | |
vs10/testplugin/config.h [code] | |
vs12/getopt.c [code] | |
vs12/getopt.h [code] | |
vs12/term.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bm.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmalgo.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmalgo_impl.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmalloc.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmblocks.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmconst.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmdbg.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmdef.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmfunc.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmfwd.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmgamma.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmrandom.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmserial.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmsse2.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmsse4.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmsse_util.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmtrans.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmundef.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmutil.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/bmvmin.h [code] | |
vs12/bm/encoding.h [code] | |
vs12/dlvhex/config.h [code] | |
vs12/libdlvhex/config.h [code] | |
vs12/testplugin/config.h [code] | |