Final Report: Arachnae II


 Programs and Sourcecodes


Master Control Processor
Master Motion Controller
Leg Control Processor
Task Scheduler
Move leg forward
Move leg backward
Stretch lower leg
Draw lower leg
Lift leg
Lower leg

Bus Interface

Bus Interface Unit
Sensor Processing Unit
Ultra Sonic Range Controller
Infrared Range Controller
Tactile Proximity Sensor Controller
Inclination Sensor Controller
Temperature Sensor Controller
Light Sensor Controller
Proprioceptive Sensor Controller




Master Control Processor (MCP)

This is the main program. It sends a message to the SPU (Sensor Processing Unit) and receives the data from the SPU. Then the MCP sends a message to the MMC (Master Motion Controller), which depends on the result of the SPU. The program runs on a BS1 (Basic Stamp 1).

View file here.

Master Motion Controller

This is the MMC (Master Motion Controller) program. The MMC program is responsible for the right sequence of one step. This program runs on a BS2SX.

View file here.

Leg Control Processor

This program controls the servos of a leg. Every leg has a SCP program. The SCP program is split up into several tasks. There is a main program (the task scheduler which communicates with the BIU) and there are a bunch of six programs, which control the three servos of a single leg (backward, forward, lift, down, draw and stretch). The programs run on a BS2SX and are all the same for each leg except for slightly differences in the predefined values for the target positions.

Task Scheduler

The scheduler starts appropriate tasks depending on messages received from the bus interface unit. These messages describes the job to be done on the leg, that is lift/lower leg, swing leg forward/backward and draw/stretch lower leg.

View file here.

Move leg forward

This task swings the specified leg in its predefined forward position.

View file here.

Move leg backward

The counterpart to the above task. It swings the specified leg to its predefined backward position.

View file here.

Stretch lower leg

This functions stretches the lower leg to allow the leg for higher footsteps (to avoid obstacles in his trajectory or pathway).

View file here.

Draw lower leg

This task is once again a counterpart to another function. It draws the lower leg to allow the leg for more flexibility in its workspace.

View file here.

Lift leg

Lift the leg to its upmost position.

View file here.

Lower leg

Put down leg on mother earth.

View file here.

Bus Interface Unit

This program is responsible for message scheduling. Every leg has a BIU and  nearly the same program. BIU means Bus Interface Unit. The MMC sends a command to one leg and the BIU receives it. After that, the BIU sends a simple command to the SCP (Servo Control Processor). On the left, you can see the BIU program for the first leg. This program runs on a Basic Stamp 1.

View file here.

Sensor Processing Unit

The SPU is a small processor node which controls a set of external sensory as there are: proximity, inclination, ambient light and temperature.
It i sbuilt around a Basic Stamp 2/SX controller board.

View file here.

Ultra Sonic Range Controller

Not available yet.

Infrared Range Controller

Not available yet.

Tactile Proximity Sensor Controller

This circuit gets collision data from up to eight whiskers/bumpers and transmit them serially to the SPU.

View file here.

Inclination Sensor Controller

Not available yet.

Temperature Sensor Controller

Not available yet.

Light Sensor Controller

Not available yet.

Proprioceptive Sensor Controller

Not available yet.


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Last updated: 26.6.1999