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a.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Tompits

A picture of me

email: tompits at kr.tuwien.ac.at
Phone: +43 (1) 58 801-18463
Fax: +43 (1) 58 801-18493
Sec: +43 (1) 58 801-18405
Office hours: by appointment

The reasonable man adapts
himself to the world; the unreasonable
one persists in trying to adapt the
world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.
--George Bernard Shaw

Current Position

    Associate Professor (Ao.Univ.-Prof.)


Research Areas and Interests

    Knowledge representation
    Logic-based artificial intelligence
    Nonmonotonic reasoning
    Logic programming
    Preference handling
    Automated deduction



Conference and Workshop Activities

    Co-organizer of the IJCAR 2001 Workshop on Theory and Applications of Quantified Boolean Formulas, Siena, June 18-19, 2001
    PC member of STAIRS 2002, the First European Starting AI Researcher Symposium (affiliated with ECAI 2002), July 22-23, 2002
    PC member of AAAI 2004, the 19th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Jose, July 25-29, 2004
    PC member of LPNMR 2005, the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Diamante, Italy, September 5-8, 2005
    PC chair of WLP 2006, the 20th Workshop on Logic Programming, Vienna, February 22-24, 2006
    PC member of the Workshop on Reasoning on the Web (WebRoW 2006), Edinburgh, May 22, 2006 (collocated with WWW 2006)
    PC member of the special session on Answer Set Programming at NMR 2006, the Eleventh International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Lake District area of the UK, May 30 - June 1, 2006 (collocated with KR 2006)
    PC member of ALPSWS 2006, the First International Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services, Seattle, Washington, August 16, 2006 (collocated with ICLP 2006, part of the Federated Logic Conference FLOC 2006)
    PC member of ECAI 2006, the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 28 - September 1
    PC member of LPNMR 2007, the 9th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Tempe, AZ, May 14-17
    PC member of CENT 2007, the First International Workshop on Correspondence and Equivalence for Nonmonotonic Theories, May 14, 2007 (collocated with LPNMR 2007)
    PC member of AAAI 2007, the 22nd National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver. British Columbia July 22-26, 2007
    PC member of ALPSWS 2007, the 2nd International Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services, Porto, Portugal, September 13, 2007 (collocated with ICLP 2007, the 23rd International Conference on Logic Programming)
    PC member of WLP 2007, the 21st Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, Würzburg, Germany, October 4-6, 2007
    Conference chair of INAP 2011, the 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, Vienna, September 28-30, 2011
    PC chair of WLP 2011, the 25th Workshop on Logic Programming, Vienna, September 28-30, 2011


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