dlvhex  2.5.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* dlvhex -- Answer-Set Programming with external interfaces.
00002  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Roman Schindlauer
00003  * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Thomas Krennwallner
00004  * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Peter Schüller
00005  * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Christoph Redl
00006  * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Tobias Kaminski
00007  * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Antonius Weinzierl
00008  *
00009  * This file is part of dlvhex.
00010  *
00011  * dlvhex is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
00013  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
00014  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00015  *
00016  * dlvhex is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00017  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00019  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
00020  *
00021  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00022  * License along with dlvhex; if not, write to the Free Software
00023  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
00024  * 02110-1301 USA.
00025  */
00034 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00035 #include "config.h"
00036 #endif                           // HAVE_CONFIG_H
00038 //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
00040 #include "dlvhex2/AggregatePlugin.h"
00041 #include "dlvhex2/PlatformDefinitions.h"
00042 #include "dlvhex2/ProgramCtx.h"
00043 #include "dlvhex2/Registry.h"
00044 #include "dlvhex2/Printer.h"
00045 #include "dlvhex2/Printhelpers.h"
00046 #include "dlvhex2/PredicateMask.h"
00047 #include "dlvhex2/Logger.h"
00048 #include "dlvhex2/HexParser.h"
00049 #include "dlvhex2/HexParserModule.h"
00050 #include "dlvhex2/HexGrammar.h"
00051 #include "dlvhex2/ExternalLearningHelper.h"
00053 #include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
00054 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
00058 AggregatePlugin::CtxData::CtxData():
00059 enabled(false), mode(ExtRewrite)
00060 {
00061 }
00064 AggregatePlugin::AggregatePlugin():
00065 PluginInterface()
00066 {
00067     setNameVersion("dlvhex-aggregateplugin[internal]", 2, 0, 0);
00068 }
00071 AggregatePlugin::~AggregatePlugin()
00072 {
00073 }
00076 // output help message for this plugin
00077 void AggregatePlugin::printUsage(std::ostream& o) const
00078 {
00079     //    123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-123456789-
00080     o << "     --aggregate-enable[=true,false]" << std::endl
00081         << "                      Enable aggregate plugin (default is enabled)." << std::endl;
00082     o << "     --aggregate-mode=[native,ext,extbl]" << std::endl
00083         << "                         native (default) : Keep aggregates" << std::endl
00084         << "                                            (but simplify them to some basic types)" << std::endl
00085         << "                         ext              : Rewrite aggregates to external atoms" << std::endl
00086         << "                         extbl            : Rewrite aggregates to boolean external atoms" << std::endl
00087     //    << "     --aggregate-allowrecaggregates" << std::endl
00088     //          << "                      Allows cycles through aggregates." << std::endl
00089     //          << "                      Depending on the solver backend, this might lead to" << std::endl
00090     //          << "                      different results." << std::endl
00091     //          << "                      With --aggregate-mode=ext, the option is irrelevant" << std::endl
00092     //          << "                      as aggregates are replaced by external atoms." << std::endl
00093         << "     --aggregate-allowaggextcycles" << std::endl
00094         << "                      Allows cycles which involve both aggregates and" << std::endl
00095         << "                      external atoms. If the option is not specified," << std::endl
00096         << "                      such cycles lead to abortion; if specified, only" << std::endl
00097         << "                      a warning is printed but the models might be not minimal." << std::endl
00098         << "                      With --aggregate-mode=ext, the option is irrelevant" << std::endl
00099         << "                      as aggregates are replaced by external atoms (models will be minimal in that case)." << std::endl
00100         << "                      See examples/aggextcycle1.hex.";
00101 }
00104 // accepted options: --higherorder-enable
00105 //
00106 // processes options for this plugin, and removes recognized options from pluginOptions
00107 // (do not free the pointers, the const char* directly come from argv)
00108 void AggregatePlugin::processOptions(
00109 std::list<const char*>& pluginOptions,
00110 ProgramCtx& ctx)
00111 {
00112     AggregatePlugin::CtxData& ctxdata = ctx.getPluginData<AggregatePlugin>();
00113     ctxdata.enabled = true;
00114     ctxdata.mode = CtxData::Simplify;
00116                                  // we always support it
00117     ctx.config.setOption("AllowAggCycles", 1);
00119     typedef std::list<const char*>::iterator Iterator;
00120     Iterator it;
00121     WARNING("create (or reuse, maybe from potassco?) cmdline option processing facility")
00122     it = pluginOptions.begin();
00123     while( it != pluginOptions.end() ) {
00124         bool processed = false;
00125         const std::string str(*it);
00126         if( boost::starts_with(str, "--aggregate-enable" ) ) {
00127             std::string m = str.substr(std::string("--aggregate-enable").length());
00128             if (m == "" || m == "=true") {
00129                 ctxdata.enabled = true;
00130             }
00131             else if (m == "=false") {
00132                 ctxdata.enabled = false;
00133             }
00134             else {
00135                 std::stringstream ss;
00136                 ss << "Unknown --aggregate-enable option: " << m;
00137                 throw PluginError(ss.str());
00138             }
00139             processed = true;
00140         }
00141         else if( boost::starts_with(str, "--aggregate-mode=") ) {
00142             std::string m = str.substr(std::string("--aggregate-mode=").length());
00143             if (m == "ext") {
00144                 ctxdata.mode = CtxData::ExtRewrite;
00145             } 
00146             else if (m == "extbl") {
00147                 ctxdata.mode = CtxData::ExtBlRewrite;
00148             }
00149             // "native" was previously called "simplify" --> keep it for backwards compatibility
00150             else if (m == "native" || m == "simplify") {
00151                 ctxdata.mode = CtxData::Simplify;
00152             }
00153             else {
00154                 std::stringstream ss;
00155                 ss << "Unknown --aggregate-mode option: " << m;
00156                 throw PluginError(ss.str());
00157             }
00158             processed = true;
00159         }
00160         //      else if( str == "--aggregate-allowrecaggregates" )
00161         //      {
00162         //          ctx.config.setOption("AllowAggCycles", 1);
00163         //          processed = true;
00164         //      }
00165         else if( str == "--aggregate-allowaggextcycles" ) {
00166             ctx.config.setOption("AllowAggExtCycles", 1);
00167             processed = true;
00168         }
00170         if( processed ) {
00171             // return value of erase: element after it, maybe end()
00172             DBGLOG(DBG,"AggregatePlugin successfully processed option " << str);
00173             it = pluginOptions.erase(it);
00174         }
00175         else {
00176             it++;
00177         }
00178     }
00179 }
00182 namespace
00183 {
00185     typedef AggregatePlugin::CtxData CtxData;
00187     class AggregateRewriter:
00188     public PluginRewriter
00189     {
00190         private:
00191             AggregatePlugin::CtxData& ctxdata;
00192             InterpretationPtr newEdb;
00193             std::vector<ID> newIdb;
00194             int ruleNr;
00195             void rewriteRule(ProgramCtx& ctx, InterpretationPtr edb, std::vector<ID>& idb, const Rule& rule);
00197             std::string aggregateFunctionToExternalAtomName(ID aggFunction);
00198         public:
00199             AggregateRewriter(AggregatePlugin::CtxData& ctxdata) : ctxdata(ctxdata), ruleNr(0) {}
00200             virtual ~AggregateRewriter() {}
00202             virtual void prepareRewrittenProgram(InterpretationPtr newEdb, ProgramCtx& ctx);
00203             virtual void rewrite(ProgramCtx& ctx);
00204     };
00206     std::string AggregateRewriter::aggregateFunctionToExternalAtomName(ID aggFunction) {
00208         DBGLOG(DBG, "Translating aggregate function " << aggFunction);
00209         switch(aggFunction.address) {
00210             case ID::TERM_BUILTIN_AGGCOUNT: return "count";
00211             case ID::TERM_BUILTIN_AGGMIN: return "min";
00212             case ID::TERM_BUILTIN_AGGMAX: return "max";
00213             case ID::TERM_BUILTIN_AGGSUM: return "sum";
00214             case ID::TERM_BUILTIN_AGGTIMES: return "times";
00215             case ID::TERM_BUILTIN_AGGAVG: return "avg";
00216             //      case ID::TERM_BUILTIN_AGGANY: return "any";
00217             default: assert(false); return "";
00218         }
00219     }
00221     namespace
00222     {
00223         void warnMaxint(const ProgramCtx& ctx, ID term) {
00224             static bool warned = false;
00225             //LOG(WARNING,"AggregatePlugin term is " << term);
00226             if( !warned && term.isIntegerTerm() &&
00227             (ctx.maxint == ID_FAIL || term.address > ctx.maxint) ) {
00228                 LOG(WARNING,"AggregatePlugin requires --maxint or -N to be set to a sufficiently high value! (" << term.address << "/" << ctx.maxint << ")");
00229                 warned = true;
00230             }
00231         }
00232     }
00234     void AggregateRewriter::rewriteRule(ProgramCtx& ctx, InterpretationPtr edb, std::vector<ID>& idb, const Rule& rule) {
00236         RegistryPtr reg = ctx.registry();
00237         AggregatePlugin::CtxData& ctxdata = ctx.getPluginData<AggregatePlugin>();
00239         // take the rule head as it is
00240         Rule newRule = rule;
00241         newRule.body.clear();
00243         // determine a prefix which does not occur at the beginning of any variable in the rule's body
00244         std::string prefix = "F";// function value
00245         std::set<ID> vars;
00246         BOOST_FOREACH (ID b, rule.body) {
00247             reg->getVariablesInID(b, vars);
00248         }
00249         BOOST_FOREACH (ID v, vars) {
00250             std::string currentVar = reg->terms.getByID(v).getUnquotedString();
00251             while (prefix.length() <= currentVar.length() &&
00252             currentVar.substr(0, prefix.length()) == prefix) {
00253                 prefix = prefix + "F";
00254             }
00255         }
00257         // find all top-level aggregates in the rule body
00258         DBGLOG(DBG, "Rewriting aggregate atoms in rule");
00259         int aggIndex = 0;
00260         BOOST_FOREACH (ID b, rule.body) {
00261             if (b.isAggregateAtom()) {
00262                 int symbolicSetSize = -1;
00263                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Rewriting aggregate atom " << printToString<RawPrinter>(b, reg));
00264                 const AggregateAtom& aatom = reg->aatoms.getByID(b);
00266                 // Variables of the symbolic set which occur also in the remaining rule body
00267                 std::vector<ID> symbolicSetVarsIntersectingRemainingBody;
00269                 // in the following we need to unique predicates for this aggregate
00270                 ID keyPredID = reg->getAuxiliaryConstantSymbol('g', ID::termFromInteger(ruleNr++));
00271                 ID inputPredID = reg->getAuxiliaryConstantSymbol('g', ID::termFromInteger(ruleNr++));
00273                 // For ;-separated aggregate elements from the ASP-Core 2 standard.
00274                 //
00275                 // We need to iterate either through aatom.mvariables or, if the former is empty, through aatom.variables (resp. aatom.mliterals or aatom.literals).
00276                 // Trick: Iterate through aatom.mvariables plus one additional index for aatom.variables (resp. literals).
00277                 // If the additional index is reached and is 0, then we bind the reference to aatom.variables instead of aatom.mvariables;
00278                 // if it is greater than 0 we skip it because aatom.mvariables is nonempty.
00279                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Found " << aatom.mvariables.size() << " multi-symbolic sets");
00281                 // first of all, analyze the aggregate and build needed sets of variables
00282                 std::vector<std::set<ID> > symSetVars;
00283                 for (int symbSetIndex = 0; symbSetIndex <= aatom.mvariables.size(); ++symbSetIndex) {
00284                     if (symbSetIndex == aatom.mvariables.size() && symbSetIndex > 0) continue;
00286                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Processing symbolic set number " << symbSetIndex);
00287                     const Tuple& currentSymbolicSetVars = (symbSetIndex == aatom.mvariables.size() ? aatom.variables : aatom.mvariables[symbSetIndex]);
00288                     const Tuple& currentSymbolicSetLiterals = (symbSetIndex == aatom.mliterals.size() ? aatom.literals : aatom.mliterals[symbSetIndex]);
00290                     // determine size of the tuples in the symbolic set
00291                     if (symbolicSetSize != -1 && symbolicSetSize != currentSymbolicSetVars.size()) throw GeneralError("Symbolic set of aggregate \"" + printToString<RawPrinter>(b, reg) + "\" contains tuples of varying sizes");
00292                     symbolicSetSize = currentSymbolicSetVars.size();
00294                     // collect all variables from the conjunction of the symbolic set
00295                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Harvesting variables in literals of the symbolic set");
00296                     symSetVars.push_back(std::set<ID>());
00297                     std::set<ID>& currentSymSetVars = symSetVars[symSetVars.size() - 1];
00298                     BOOST_FOREACH (ID c, currentSymbolicSetVars) { currentSymSetVars.insert(c); }
00299                     BOOST_FOREACH (ID cs, currentSymbolicSetLiterals) {
00300                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Harvesting variables in literal of the symbolic set: " << printToString<RawPrinter>(cs, reg));
00301                         reg->getVariablesInID(cs, currentSymSetVars);
00302                     }
00303                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Symbolic set uses " << currentSymSetVars.size() << " variables");
00305                     // collect all variables from the remaining body of the rule
00306                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Harvesting variables in remaining rule body");
00307                     std::set<ID> bodyVars;
00308                     BOOST_FOREACH (ID rb, rule.body) {
00309                         if (rb != b) {
00310                             // exclude local variables in other aggregates but keep the bound variables thereof
00311                             if (rb.isAggregateAtom()) {
00312                                 const AggregateAtom& ag2 = reg->aatoms.getByID(rb);
00313                                 if (ag2.tuple[0] != ID_FAIL) reg->getVariablesInID(ag2.tuple[0], bodyVars);
00314                                 if (ag2.tuple[4] != ID_FAIL) reg->getVariablesInID(ag2.tuple[4], bodyVars);
00315                             }
00316                             else {
00317                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Harvesting variables in " << printToString<RawPrinter>(rb, reg));
00318                                 reg->getVariablesInID(rb, bodyVars);
00319                             }
00320                         }
00321                     }
00323                     // collect all variables of the symbolic set which occur also in the remaining rule body
00324                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Harvesting variables shared between symbolic set and remaining rule body");
00325                     BOOST_FOREACH (ID c, currentSymSetVars) {
00326                         if (std::find(bodyVars.begin(), bodyVars.end(), c) != bodyVars.end()) {
00327                             DBGLOG(DBG, "Body variable of symbolic set: " << printToString<RawPrinter>(c, reg));
00328                             symbolicSetVarsIntersectingRemainingBody.push_back(c);
00329                         }
00330                     }
00331                 }
00333                 // same trick again: now construct key and input rules
00334                 for (int symbSetIndex = 0; symbSetIndex <= aatom.mvariables.size(); ++symbSetIndex) {
00335                     if (symbSetIndex == aatom.mvariables.size() && symbSetIndex > 0) continue;
00337                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Processing symbolic set number " << symbSetIndex);
00338                     const Tuple& currentSymbolicSetVars = (symbSetIndex == aatom.mvariables.size() ? aatom.variables : aatom.mvariables[symbSetIndex]);
00339                     const Tuple& currentSymbolicSetLiterals = (symbSetIndex == aatom.mliterals.size() ? aatom.literals : aatom.mliterals[symbSetIndex]);
00341                     Rule keyRule(ID::MAINKIND_RULE);
00342                     Rule inputRule(ID::MAINKIND_RULE);
00343                     {
00344                         // Construct the external atom key rule of the following type:
00345                         // A. Single head atom
00346                         //   1. create a unique predicate name p
00347                         //   2. for all variables X from the conjunction of the symbolic set:
00348                         //    if X occurs also in the remaining body of the rule
00349                         //          add it to the tuple of p
00350                         // B. The body consists of all atoms of the original rule except the aggregate being rewritten
00352                         // construct the input rule
00353                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Constructing key rule");
00354                         OrdinaryAtom oatom(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::PROPERTY_AUX);
00355                         if (symbolicSetVarsIntersectingRemainingBody.size() > 0) {
00356                             oatom.kind |= ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_ORDINARYN;
00357                         }
00358                         else {
00359                             oatom.kind |= ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_ORDINARYG;
00360                         }
00362                         // A.
00363                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Constructing key rule head");
00364                         //   1.
00365                         oatom.tuple.push_back(keyPredID);
00366                         //   2.
00367                         BOOST_FOREACH (ID var, symbolicSetVarsIntersectingRemainingBody) {
00368                             oatom.tuple.push_back(var);
00369                         }
00370                         keyRule.head.push_back(reg->storeOrdinaryAtom(oatom));
00371                         // B.
00372                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Constructing key rule body");
00373                         BOOST_FOREACH (ID bb, rule.body) {
00374                             // remove range comparisons of the aggregate value (this will not destroy safety)
00375                             if (bb.isBuiltinAtom()){
00376                                 const AggregateAtom& aatom = reg->aatoms.getByID(b);
00377                                 const BuiltinAtom& batom = reg->batoms.getByID(bb);
00378                                 if ( // check if the builtin is a range comparison
00379                                      (   batom.tuple[0].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LT || batom.tuple[0].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE
00380                                       || batom.tuple[0].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GT || batom.tuple[0].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GE
00381                                       || batom.tuple[0].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_NE)
00382                                      // check if it compares the aggregate value
00383                                   && (   (aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ && aatom.tuple[0].isVariableTerm() && (batom.tuple[1] == aatom.tuple[0] || batom.tuple[2] == aatom.tuple[0]))
00384                                       || (aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ && aatom.tuple[4].isVariableTerm() && (batom.tuple[1] == aatom.tuple[4] || batom.tuple[2] == aatom.tuple[4])) )
00385                                    ) {
00386                                     continue;
00387                                 }
00388                             }
00390                             if (bb == b) {
00391                                 // make sure that we do not lose safety: if b _defines_ a variable, then define it as an arbitrary integer insteads
00392                                 const AggregateAtom& aatom = reg->aatoms.getByID(b);
00393                                 if (aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ && aatom.tuple[0].isVariableTerm()) {
00394                                     BuiltinAtom bi(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_BUILTIN);
00395                                     bi.tuple.push_back(ID::termFromBuiltin(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_INT));
00396                                     bi.tuple.push_back(aatom.tuple[0]);
00397                                     keyRule.body.push_back(ID::posLiteralFromAtom(reg->batoms.storeAndGetID(bi)));
00398                                 }
00399                                 if (aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ && aatom.tuple[4].isVariableTerm()) {
00400                                     BuiltinAtom bi(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_BUILTIN);
00401                                     bi.tuple.push_back(ID::termFromBuiltin(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_INT));
00402                                     bi.tuple.push_back(aatom.tuple[4]);
00403                                     keyRule.body.push_back(ID::posLiteralFromAtom(reg->batoms.storeAndGetID(bi)));
00404                                 }
00405                                 continue;
00406                             }
00407                             if (bb.isExternalAtom()) keyRule.kind |= ID::PROPERTY_RULE_EXTATOMS;
00408                             keyRule.body.push_back(bb);
00409                         }
00410                     }
00412                     {
00413                         // Construct the external atom predicate input by a rule of the following type:
00414                         // A. Single head atom
00415                         //   1. create a unique predicate name p
00416                         //   2. for all variables X from the disjunction of the symbolic set:
00417                         //    if X occurs also in the remaining body of the rule
00418                         //          add it to the tuple of p
00419                         //   3. add all variables of the symbolic set to the tuple of p
00420                         //   4. (optional) for encoding "extbl", add index of the current symbolic set element
00421                         //   5. (optional) for encoding "extbl", add all variables in the conjunction of the symbolic set
00422                         // B. The body consists of:
00423                         //   1. the conjunction of the symbolic set
00424                         //   2. key head
00426                         // construct the input rule
00427                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Constructing input rule");
00428                         OrdinaryAtom oatom(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::PROPERTY_AUX);
00429                         if (symbolicSetVarsIntersectingRemainingBody.size() > 0 || currentSymbolicSetVars.size() > 0) {
00430                             oatom.kind |= ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_ORDINARYN;
00431                         }
00432                         else {
00433                             oatom.kind |= ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_ORDINARYG;
00434                         }
00435                         // A.
00436                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Constructing input rule head");
00437                         //   1.
00438                         oatom.tuple.push_back(inputPredID);
00439                         //   2.
00440                         BOOST_FOREACH (ID var, symbolicSetVarsIntersectingRemainingBody) {
00441                             oatom.tuple.push_back(var);
00442                         }
00443                         //   3.
00444                         for (int i = 0; i < currentSymbolicSetVars.size(); i++) {
00445                             oatom.tuple.push_back(currentSymbolicSetVars[i]);
00446                         }
00447                         // extbl
00448                         if (ctxdata.mode == AggregatePlugin::CtxData::ExtBlRewrite) {
00449                             //   4.
00450                             DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding symbolic set index " << symbSetIndex);
00451                             oatom.tuple.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(symbSetIndex));
00452                             //   5.
00453                             DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding " << symSetVars[symbSetIndex].size() << " variables to input rule head");
00454                             for (std::set<ID>::iterator it = symSetVars[symbSetIndex].begin(); it != symSetVars[symbSetIndex].end(); ++it) {
00455                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding " << printToString<RawPrinter>(*it, reg));
00456                                 oatom.tuple.push_back(*it);
00457                             }
00458                             oatom.tuple.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(symSetVars[symbSetIndex].size()));
00459                         }
00460                         inputRule.head.push_back(reg->storeOrdinaryAtom(oatom));
00461                         // B.
00462                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Constructing input rule body");
00463                         // 1.
00464                         inputRule.body = currentSymbolicSetLiterals;
00465                         BOOST_FOREACH (ID l, currentSymbolicSetLiterals) {
00466                             if (l.isExternalAtom()) inputRule.kind |= ID::PROPERTY_RULE_EXTATOMS;
00467                         }
00468                         // 2.
00469                         inputRule.body.push_back(ID::posLiteralFromAtom(keyRule.head[0]));
00470                     }
00472                     // recursively handle aggregates in the key and the value rule
00473                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Recursive call for " << printToString<RawPrinter>(reg->storeRule(keyRule), reg));
00474                     rewriteRule(ctx, edb, idb, keyRule);
00475                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Recursive call for " << printToString<RawPrinter>(reg->storeRule(inputRule), reg));
00476                     rewriteRule(ctx, edb, idb, inputRule);
00478                     // add reversed key and value rules
00479                     if (ctxdata.mode == AggregatePlugin::CtxData::ExtBlRewrite) {
00480                         for (int r = 2; r <= 2; ++r){
00481                             const Rule kvrule = (r == 1 ? keyRule : inputRule);
00482                             BOOST_FOREACH (ID b, kvrule.body) {
00483                                 if (!b.isOrdinaryAtom()) {
00484                                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Skipping non-ordinary literal " << printToString<RawPrinter>(b, reg) << " in reversed rule");
00485                                     continue;
00486                                 }
00487                                 if (!b.isNaf()) {
00488                                     Rule rev = kvrule;
00489                                     rev.body.clear();
00490                                     rev.body.push_back(ID::posLiteralFromAtom(rev.head[0]));
00491                                     rev.head.clear();
00492                                     rev.head.push_back(ID::atomFromLiteral(b));
00493                                     ID revID = reg->storeRule(rev);
00494                                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding reversed rule " << printToString<RawPrinter>(revID, reg));
00495                                     idb.push_back(revID);
00496                                 }else{
00497                                     Rule rev = kvrule;
00498                                     rev.body.clear();
00499                                     rev.head.clear();
00500                                     rev.body.push_back(ID::posLiteralFromAtom(rev.head[0]));
00501                                     rev.body.push_back(ID::nafLiteralFromAtom(ID::atomFromLiteral(b)));
00502                                     rev.kind |= ID::SUBKIND_RULE_CONSTRAINT;
00503                                     ID revID = reg->storeRule(rev);
00504                                     DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding reversed constraint: " << printToString<RawPrinter>(revID, reg));
00505                                     idb.push_back(revID);
00506                                 }
00507                             }
00508                         }
00509                     }
00510                 }
00511                 assert(symbolicSetSize != -1 && "found aggregate without symbolic set");
00513                 // actual rewriting
00514                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Generating new aggregate or external atom");
00515                 ID valueVariable;
00516                 // boolean external atoms can only be used for range queries but not if we need the exact value
00517                 bool useBooleanEa = (ctxdata.mode == AggregatePlugin::CtxData::ExtBlRewrite); // && (aatom.tuple[0] == ID_FAIL || aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE || aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LT || aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GE || aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GT) && (aatom.tuple[4] == ID_FAIL || aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE || aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LT || aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GE || aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GT) );
00518                 bool negate = false;
00519                 switch (ctxdata.mode) {
00520                     case AggregatePlugin::CtxData::ExtRewrite:
00521                     case AggregatePlugin::CtxData::ExtBlRewrite:
00522                     {
00523                         // Construct the external atom as follows:
00524                         // Input is
00525                         // i1. the predicate name of the key rule generated above
00526                         // i2. the predicate name of the input rule generated above
00527                         // i3. (optional) the bounds if both are <= (or missing) and a boolean EA is used
00528                         // Output is
00529                         // o1. the list of variables determined above in step A2
00530                         // o2. (optional) the function value if no boolean EA is used
00531                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Constructing aggregate replacing external atom");
00532                         ExternalAtom eaReplacement(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_EXTERNAL);
00533                         std::stringstream eaName;
00534                         eaName << aggregateFunctionToExternalAtomName(aatom.tuple[2]) << (useBooleanEa ? "bl" : "");
00535                         Term exPred(ID::MAINKIND_TERM | ID::SUBKIND_TERM_CONSTANT, eaName.str());
00536                         eaReplacement.predicate = reg->storeTerm(exPred);
00537                         // i1
00538                         eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(keyPredID);
00539                         // i2
00540                         eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(inputPredID);
00541                         // i3
00542                         if (useBooleanEa){
00543                             if (aatom.tuple[0] != ID_FAIL && aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ && aatom.tuple[4] == ID_FAIL) {
00544                                 eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[0]);
00545                                 eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[0]);
00546                             }
00547                             else if (aatom.tuple[4] != ID_FAIL && aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ && aatom.tuple[0] == ID_FAIL) {
00548                                 eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[4]);
00549                                 eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[4]);
00550                             }
00551                             else if (aatom.tuple[0] != ID_FAIL && aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_NE && aatom.tuple[4] == ID_FAIL) {
00552                                 eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[0]);
00553                                 eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[0]);
00554                                 negate = true;
00555                             }
00556                             else if (aatom.tuple[4] != ID_FAIL && aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_NE && aatom.tuple[0] == ID_FAIL) {
00557                                 eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[4]);
00558                                 eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[4]);
00559                                 negate = true;
00560                             }
00561                             else{
00562                                 if (aatom.tuple[0] != ID_FAIL) { eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(aatom.tuple[1].address)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[0]); } else { eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(reg->storeConstantTerm("none")); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(reg->storeConstantTerm("none")); }
00563                                 if (aatom.tuple[4] != ID_FAIL) { eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(aatom.tuple[3].address)); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(aatom.tuple[4]); } else { eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(reg->storeConstantTerm("none")); eaReplacement.inputs.push_back(reg->storeConstantTerm("none")); }
00564                             }
00565                         }
00566                         // o1
00567                         BOOST_FOREACH (ID t, symbolicSetVarsIntersectingRemainingBody) {
00568                             eaReplacement.tuple.push_back(t);
00569                         }
00570                         // in case of = comparison, reuse the existing variable
00571                         if (aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ) valueVariable = aatom.tuple[0];
00572                         else if (aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ) valueVariable = aatom.tuple[4];
00573                         else {
00574                             std::stringstream var;
00575                             var << prefix << aggIndex++;
00576                             valueVariable = reg->storeVariableTerm(var.str());
00577                         }
00578                         // o2
00579                         if (!useBooleanEa) eaReplacement.tuple.push_back(valueVariable);
00581                         // store external atom and add its ID to the rule body
00582                         newRule.body.push_back(b.isNaf() ^ negate ? ID::nafLiteralFromAtom(reg->eatoms.storeAndGetID(eaReplacement)) : ID::posLiteralFromAtom(reg->eatoms.storeAndGetID(eaReplacement)));
00584                         // make the rule know that it contains an external atom
00585                         newRule.kind |= ID::PROPERTY_RULE_EXTATOMS;
00586                     }
00587                     break;
00588                     case AggregatePlugin::CtxData::Simplify:
00589                     {
00590                         // in case of = comparison, reuse the existing variable
00591                         if (aatom.tuple[1].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ) valueVariable = aatom.tuple[0];
00592                         else if (aatom.tuple[3].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ) valueVariable = aatom.tuple[4];
00593                         else {
00594                             std::stringstream var;
00595                             var << prefix << aggIndex++;
00596                             valueVariable = reg->storeVariableTerm(var.str());
00597                         }
00599                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Creating simplified atom");
00600                         AggregateAtom simplifiedaatom(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_AGGREGATE);
00601                         simplifiedaatom.tuple[0] = valueVariable;
00602                         simplifiedaatom.tuple[1] = ID::termFromBuiltin(ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ);
00603                         simplifiedaatom.tuple[2] = aatom.tuple[2];
00604                         simplifiedaatom.tuple[3] = ID_FAIL;
00605                         simplifiedaatom.tuple[4] = ID_FAIL;
00607                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Creating aggregate literal");
00608                         OrdinaryAtom oatom(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_ORDINARYN | ID::PROPERTY_AUX);
00609                         oatom.tuple.push_back(inputPredID);
00610                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding body variables shared with symbolic set");
00611                         BOOST_FOREACH (ID var, symbolicSetVarsIntersectingRemainingBody) {
00612                             DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding body variable of symbolic set to simplified aggregate: " << printToString<RawPrinter>(var, reg));
00613                             oatom.tuple.push_back(var);
00614                         }
00615                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding variables of the symboic set");
00616                         for (int i = 0; i < symbolicSetSize; i++) {
00617                             std::stringstream var;
00618                             var << prefix << aggIndex++;
00619                             ID varID = reg->storeVariableTerm(var.str());
00620                             DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding symbolic set variable to simplified aggregate: " << printToString<RawPrinter>(varID, reg));
00621                             simplifiedaatom.variables.push_back(varID);
00622                             oatom.tuple.push_back(varID);
00623                         }
00624                         simplifiedaatom.literals.push_back(ID::posLiteralFromAtom(reg->storeOrdinaryAtom(oatom)));
00626                         DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding aggregate to rule");
00627                         newRule.body.push_back(b.isNaf() ? ID::nafLiteralFromAtom(reg->aatoms.storeAndGetID(simplifiedaatom)) : ID::posLiteralFromAtom(reg->aatoms.storeAndGetID(simplifiedaatom)));
00628                     }
00629                     break;
00630                 }
00632                 // add (at most) two atoms reflecting the original left and right comparator
00633                 if (!useBooleanEa){
00634                     if (aatom.tuple[0] != ID_FAIL && aatom.tuple[1].address != ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ) {
00635                         BuiltinAtom bi(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_BUILTIN);
00636                         bi.tuple.push_back(aatom.tuple[1]);
00637                         bi.tuple.push_back(aatom.tuple[0]);
00638                         warnMaxint(ctx, aatom.tuple[0]);
00639                         bi.tuple.push_back(valueVariable);
00640                         newRule.body.push_back(ID::posLiteralFromAtom(reg->batoms.storeAndGetID(bi)));
00641                     }
00642                     if (aatom.tuple[4] != ID_FAIL && aatom.tuple[3].address != ID::TERM_BUILTIN_EQ) {
00643                         BuiltinAtom bi(ID::MAINKIND_ATOM | ID::SUBKIND_ATOM_BUILTIN);
00644                         bi.tuple.push_back(aatom.tuple[3]);
00645                         bi.tuple.push_back(valueVariable);
00646                         bi.tuple.push_back(aatom.tuple[4]);
00647                         warnMaxint(ctx, aatom.tuple[4]);
00648                         newRule.body.push_back(ID::posLiteralFromAtom(reg->batoms.storeAndGetID(bi)));
00649                     }
00650                 }
00651             }
00652             else {
00653                 // take it as it is
00654                 newRule.body.push_back(b);
00655             }
00656         }
00658         // add the new rule to the IDB
00659         if (newRule.head.size() == 1 && newRule.body.size() == 0 && newRule.head[0].isOrdinaryGroundAtom()) {
00660             DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding fact " + printToString<RawPrinter>(newRule.head[0], reg));
00661             edb->setFact(newRule.head[0].address);
00662         }
00663         else {
00664             ID newRuleID = reg->storeRule(newRule);
00665             idb.push_back(newRuleID);
00666             DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding rule " + printToString<RawPrinter>(newRuleID, reg));
00667         }
00668     }
00670     void AggregateRewriter::prepareRewrittenProgram(InterpretationPtr newEdb, ProgramCtx& ctx) {
00671         // go through all rules
00672         newIdb.clear();
00673         BOOST_FOREACH (ID rid, ctx.idb) {
00674             rewriteRule(ctx, newEdb, newIdb, ctx.registry()->rules.getByID(rid));
00675         }
00677         // eliminate duplicates
00678         int shift = 0;
00679         InterpretationPtr intr(new Interpretation(ctx.registry()));
00680         for (int ridx = 0; ridx < newIdb.size() - shift; ){
00681             // move next actual rule to the current position (respecting skipped rules)
00682             newIdb[ridx] = newIdb[ridx + shift];
00683             if (intr->getFact(newIdb[ridx].address)){
00684                 // skip rule
00685                 shift++;
00686             }else{
00687                 // no duplicate: remember rule
00688                 intr->setFact(newIdb[ridx].address);
00689                 ridx++;
00690             }
00691         }
00692         newIdb.resize(newIdb.size() - shift);
00694         #ifndef NDEBUG
00695         std::stringstream programstring;
00696         RawPrinter printer(programstring, ctx.registry());
00697         BOOST_FOREACH (ID ruleId, newIdb) {
00698             printer.print(ruleId);
00699             programstring << std::endl;
00700         }
00701         DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregate-free rewritten program:" << std::endl << programstring.str());
00702         #endif
00703     }
00705     void AggregateRewriter::rewrite(ProgramCtx& ctx) {
00706         AggregatePlugin::CtxData& ctxdata = ctx.getPluginData<AggregatePlugin>();
00707         if (ctxdata.enabled) {
00708             DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregates are enabled -> rewrite program");
00709             InterpretationPtr newEdb(new Interpretation(ctx.registry()));
00710             if (!!ctx.edb) newEdb->add(*ctx.edb);
00711             prepareRewrittenProgram(newEdb, ctx);
00712             ctx.edb = newEdb;
00713             ctx.idb = newIdb;
00714         }
00715         else {
00716             // plugin disabled: the program must not contain aggregates in this case
00717             DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregates are disabled -> checking if program does not contain any");
00718             BOOST_FOREACH (ID ruleID, ctx.idb) {
00719                 const Rule& rule = ctx.registry()->rules.getByID(ruleID);
00720                 BOOST_FOREACH (ID b, rule.body) {
00721                     if (b.isAggregateAtom()) {
00722                         throw GeneralError("Aggregates have been disabled but rule\n   \"" + printToString<RawPrinter>(ruleID, ctx.registry()) + "\"\ncontains \"" + printToString<RawPrinter>(b, ctx.registry()) + "\"");
00723                     }
00724                 }
00725             }
00726         }
00727     }
00729 }                                // anonymous namespace
00732 // rewrite program
00733 PluginRewriterPtr AggregatePlugin::createRewriter(ProgramCtx& ctx)
00734 {
00735     AggregatePlugin::CtxData& ctxdata = ctx.getPluginData<AggregatePlugin>();
00736     //  if( !ctxdata.enabled )
00737     //      return PluginRewriterPtr();
00739     // Always create the rewriter! It will internall check if the plugin is enabled; if not, then the rewriter checks if the program does not contain aggregates.
00740     return PluginRewriterPtr(new AggregateRewriter(ctxdata));
00741 }
00744 // register auxiliary printer for strong negation auxiliaries
00745 void AggregatePlugin::setupProgramCtx(ProgramCtx& ctx)
00746 {
00747     AggregatePlugin::CtxData& ctxdata = ctx.getPluginData<AggregatePlugin>();
00748     if( !ctxdata.enabled )
00749         return;
00751     RegistryPtr reg = ctx.registry();
00752 }
00755 namespace
00756 {
00758     class AggAtom : public PluginAtom
00759     {
00760         protected:
00761             bool booleanAtom;
00762             virtual void compute(const std::vector<Tuple>& trueInput, const std::vector<Tuple>& mightBeTrueInput, unsigned int* minFunctionValue, unsigned int* maxFunctionValue, bool* defined) = 0;
00764             std::string getName(std::string aggFunction, bool booleanAtom) {
00765                 std::stringstream ss;
00766                 ss << aggFunction << (booleanAtom ? "bl" : "");
00767                 return ss.str();
00768             }
00770         public:
00772             AggAtom(std::string aggFunction, bool booleanAtom = false)
00773             : PluginAtom(getName(aggFunction, booleanAtom), false), booleanAtom(booleanAtom) {
00774                 prop.variableOutputArity = true;
00776                 addInputPredicate();
00777                 addInputPredicate();
00778                 if (booleanAtom){
00779                     prop.providesPartialAnswer = true;
00780                     addInputConstant();
00781                     addInputConstant();
00782                     addInputConstant();
00783                     addInputConstant();
00784                 }
00786                 setOutputArity(1);
00787             }
00789             virtual std::vector<Query>
00790             splitQuery(const Query& query, const ExtSourceProperties& prop) {
00791                 std::vector<Query> atomicQueries;
00793                 // we can answer the query separately for each key
00795                 // go through all input atoms
00796                 bm::bvector<>::enumerator en = query.ctx->registry()->eatoms.getByID(query.eatomID).getPredicateInputMask()->getStorage().first();
00797                 bm::bvector<>::enumerator en_end = query.ctx->registry()->eatoms.getByID(query.eatomID).getPredicateInputMask()->getStorage().end();
00799                 // collect all keys for which we need to evaluate the aggregate function
00800                 int arity = -1;
00801                 while (en < en_end) {
00802                     const OrdinaryAtom& oatom = registry->ogatoms.getByAddress(*en);
00804                     // extract the key of this atom
00805                     Tuple key;
00806                     key.clear();
00807                                  // key atom
00808                     if (oatom.tuple[0] == query.input[0]) {
00809                         // elements >= 1 are the key
00810                         for (int i = 1; i < oatom.tuple.size(); ++i) {
00811                             key.push_back(oatom.tuple[i]);
00812                         }
00814                         // now shrink the interpretations to the according value atoms
00815                         Query sub = query;
00816                         InterpretationPtr subIntr(new Interpretation(query.ctx->registry()));
00817                         InterpretationPtr subAssigned;
00818                         if (!!query.assigned) subAssigned.reset(new Interpretation(query.ctx->registry()));
00819                         sub.interpretation = subIntr;
00820                         sub.assigned = subAssigned;
00821                         bm::bvector<>::enumerator en2 = query.ctx->registry()->eatoms.getByID(query.eatomID).getPredicateInputMask()->getStorage().first();
00822                         bm::bvector<>::enumerator en2_end = query.ctx->registry()->eatoms.getByID(query.eatomID).getPredicateInputMask()->getStorage().end();
00823                         while (en < en_end) {
00824                             const OrdinaryAtom& oatom = registry->ogatoms.getByAddress(*en2);
00826                             if (oatom.tuple[0] == query.input[1]) {
00827                                 // does it belong to this key?
00828                                 bool match = true;
00829                                 for (int i = 1; i < oatom.tuple.size(); ++i) {
00830                                     if (key[i - 1] != oatom.tuple[i]) {
00831                                         match = false;
00832                                         break;
00833                                     }
00834                                 }
00835                                 if (match) {
00836                                     subIntr->setFact(query.interpretation->getFact(*en));
00837                                     if (!!query.assigned) subAssigned->setFact(query.assigned->getFact(*en));
00838                                 }
00839                             }
00841                             en++;
00842                         }
00844                         atomicQueries.push_back(query);
00845                     }
00847                     en++;
00848                 }
00850                 return atomicQueries;
00851             }
00853             virtual void
00854             retrieve(const Query& query, Answer& answer) throw (PluginError) {
00855                 Registry &registry = *getRegistry();
00857                 // extract all keys
00858                 bm::bvector<>::enumerator en = query.ctx->registry()->eatoms.getByID(query.eatomID).getPredicateInputMask()->getStorage().first();
00859                 bm::bvector<>::enumerator en_end = query.ctx->registry()->eatoms.getByID(query.eatomID).getPredicateInputMask()->getStorage().end();
00860                 std::vector<Tuple> keys;
00861                 int arity = -1;
00862                 while (en < en_end) {
00863                     const OrdinaryAtom& oatom = registry.ogatoms.getByAddress(*en);
00865                     // for a key atom:
00866                     if (oatom.tuple[0] == query.input[0]) {
00867                         // take the first "arity" terms
00868                         Tuple key;
00869                         for (int i = 1; i < oatom.tuple.size(); ++i) {
00870                             key.push_back(oatom.tuple[i]);
00871                         }
00872                         keys.push_back(key);
00873                                  // all key atoms must have the same arity
00874                         assert (arity == -1 || arity == key.size());
00875                         arity = key.size();
00876                     }
00878                     en++;
00879                 }
00881                 // go through all value atoms
00882                 en = query.ctx->registry()->eatoms.getByID(query.eatomID).getPredicateInputMask()->getStorage().first();
00883                 en_end = query.ctx->registry()->eatoms.getByID(query.eatomID).getPredicateInputMask()->getStorage().end();
00885                 boost::unordered_map<Tuple, std::vector<Tuple> > trueTuples, mightBeTrueTuples;
00886                 while (en < en_end) {
00887                     const OrdinaryAtom& oatom = registry.ogatoms.getByAddress(*en);
00889                     // for a value input atom:
00890                     if (oatom.tuple[0] == query.input[1]) {
00891                                  // if there is a value atom, then there must also be a key atom and the arity must be known
00892                         assert (arity != -1);
00894                         // take the first "arity" terms
00895                         Tuple key;
00896                         for (int i = 1; i <= arity; ++i) {
00897                             key.push_back(oatom.tuple[i]);
00898                         }
00900                         // encoding "extbl": value has the form [key,value,substitution_of_all_variables,symbolic_set_element_idx,count_of_all_variables]; the last two elements need to be stripped off
00901                         Tuple value;
00902                         for (uint32_t j = arity + 1; j < oatom.tuple.size(); ++j) {
00903                             if (booleanAtom && (j == oatom.tuple.size() - (2 + oatom.tuple[oatom.tuple.size() - 1].address))) break;
00904                             value.push_back(oatom.tuple[j]);
00905                         }
00906                         if ((!query.assigned || query.assigned->getFact(*en)) && query.interpretation->getFact(*en)){
00907                             // remove from mightBeTrue if present (might happen with encoding "extbl" since multiple value atoms can contain the same actual value)
00908                             if (booleanAtom) {
00909                                 std::vector<Tuple>::iterator it = std::find(mightBeTrueTuples[key].begin(), mightBeTrueTuples[key].end(), value);
00910                                 if (it != mightBeTrueTuples[key].end()) mightBeTrueTuples[key].erase(it);
00911                             }
00912                             trueTuples[key].push_back(value);
00913                         }else if (!!query.assigned && !query.assigned->getFact(*en)){ 
00914                             // skip if present in true (might happen with encoding "extbl" since multiple value atoms can contain the same actual value)
00915                             if (!booleanAtom || (std::find(trueTuples[key].begin(), trueTuples[key].end(), value) == trueTuples[key].end())) {
00916                                 mightBeTrueTuples[key].push_back(value);
00917                             }
00918                         }
00919                     }
00921                     en++;
00922                 }
00924                 // compute for each key in tuples the aggregate function
00925                 typedef std::pair<Tuple, std::vector<Tuple> > Pair;
00926                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple key, keys) {
00927                     bool def = false;
00928                     uint32_t minFunctionValue = 0;
00929                     uint32_t maxFunctionValue = 0;
00930                     compute(trueTuples[key], mightBeTrueTuples[key], &minFunctionValue, &maxFunctionValue, &def);
00932                     // output
00933                     if (def) {
00934                         Tuple result = key;
00935                         if (booleanAtom){
00936                             int lowerBound = 0;
00937                             int upperBound = -2; // means infinity
00939                             if (query.input[2].isTerm() && query.input[2].isIntegerTerm()){
00940                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregate has a left bound");
00941                                 if (query.input[2].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE) lowerBound = query.input[3].address > lowerBound ? query.input[3].address : lowerBound;
00942                                 if (query.input[2].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LT) lowerBound = query.input[3].address + 1 > lowerBound ? query.input[3].address + 1 : lowerBound;
00943                                 if (query.input[2].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GE) upperBound = (query.input[3].address < upperBound || upperBound == -2) ? query.input[3].address : upperBound;
00944                                 if (query.input[2].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GT) upperBound = (query.input[3].address - 1 < upperBound || upperBound == -2) ? query.input[3].address - 1 : upperBound;
00945                             }
00946                             if (query.input[4].isTerm() && query.input[4].isIntegerTerm()){
00947                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregate has a right bound");
00948                                 if (query.input[4].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GE) lowerBound = query.input[5].address > lowerBound ? query.input[5].address : lowerBound;
00949                                 if (query.input[4].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_GT) lowerBound = query.input[5].address + 1 > lowerBound ? query.input[5].address + 1 : lowerBound;
00950                                 if (query.input[4].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LE) upperBound = (query.input[5].address < upperBound || upperBound == -2) ? query.input[5].address : upperBound;
00951                                 if (query.input[4].address == ID::TERM_BUILTIN_LT) upperBound = (query.input[5].address - 1 < upperBound || upperBound == -2) ? query.input[5].address - 1 : upperBound;
00952                             }
00954 #ifndef NDEBUG
00955                             std::stringstream ss;
00956                             ss << "true:";
00957                             BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, trueTuples[key]){ ss << " " << t[0].address; }
00958                             ss << ", can be true:";
00959                             BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, mightBeTrueTuples[key]){ ss << " " << t[0].address; }
00960                             if (upperBound == -2){
00961                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregate atom returned possible range [" << minFunctionValue << ", " << maxFunctionValue << "]; range query is [" << lowerBound << ", infinity] with input " << ss.str());
00962                             }else{
00963                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregate atom returned possible range [" << minFunctionValue << ", " << maxFunctionValue << "]; range query is [" << lowerBound << ", " << upperBound << "] with input " << ss.str());
00964                             }
00965 #endif
00966                             if (minFunctionValue >= lowerBound && (upperBound == -2 || maxFunctionValue <= upperBound)){
00967                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregate is true");
00968                                 answer.get().push_back(result);
00969                             }else if (maxFunctionValue < lowerBound || (upperBound != -2 && minFunctionValue > upperBound)){
00970                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregate is false");
00971                             }else{
00972                                 DBGLOG(DBG, "Aggregate is unknown");
00973                                 answer.getUnknown().push_back(result);
00974                             }
00975                         }else{
00976                             assert (minFunctionValue == maxFunctionValue && "Non-boolean aggregates must deliver a definite value");
00977                             result.push_back(ID::termFromInteger(minFunctionValue));
00978                             answer.get().push_back(result);
00979                         }
00980                     }
00981                 }
00982             }
00983     };
00985     class MaxAtom : public AggAtom
00986     {
00987         private:
00988             virtual void compute(const std::vector<Tuple>& trueInput, const std::vector<Tuple>& mightBeTrueInput, unsigned int* minFunctionValue, unsigned int* maxFunctionValue, bool* defined) {
00990                 *defined = false;
00991                 *minFunctionValue = 0;
00992                 *maxFunctionValue = 0;
00993                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, trueInput) {
00994                     *minFunctionValue = t[0].address > *minFunctionValue ? t[0].address : *minFunctionValue;
00995                     *defined = true;
00996                 }
00997                 *maxFunctionValue = *minFunctionValue;
00998                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, mightBeTrueInput) {
00999                     *maxFunctionValue = t[0].address > *maxFunctionValue ? t[0].address : *maxFunctionValue;
01000                     *defined = true;
01001                 }
01002             }
01004         public:
01005             MaxAtom(bool booleanAtom = false) : AggAtom("max", booleanAtom) {}
01006     };
01008     class MinAtom : public AggAtom
01009     {
01010         private:
01011             virtual void compute(const std::vector<Tuple>& trueInput, const std::vector<Tuple>& mightBeTrueInput, unsigned int* minFunctionValue, unsigned int* maxFunctionValue, bool* defined) {
01013                 *defined = false;
01014                 *minFunctionValue = 0;
01015                 *maxFunctionValue = 0;
01016                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, trueInput) {
01017                     *maxFunctionValue = t[0].address < *maxFunctionValue || !(*defined) ? t[0].address : *maxFunctionValue;
01018                     *defined = true;
01019                 }
01020                 *minFunctionValue = *maxFunctionValue;
01021                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, mightBeTrueInput) {
01022                     *minFunctionValue = t[0].address < *minFunctionValue || !(*defined) ? t[0].address : *minFunctionValue;
01023                     *defined = true;
01024                 }
01025             }
01027         public:
01028             MinAtom(bool booleanAtom = false) : AggAtom("min", booleanAtom) {}
01029     };
01031     class SumAtom : public AggAtom
01032     {
01033         private:
01034             virtual void compute(const std::vector<Tuple>& trueInput, const std::vector<Tuple>& mightBeTrueInput, unsigned int* minFunctionValue, unsigned int* maxFunctionValue, bool* defined) {
01036                 *defined = true;
01037                 *minFunctionValue = 0;
01038                 *maxFunctionValue = 0;
01039                 int nfv = 0;
01040                 int xfv = 0;
01041                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, trueInput) {
01042                     if (t[0].isConstantTerm()){
01043                         nfv--;
01044                         xfv--;
01045                     }else{
01046                         nfv += t[0].address;
01047                         xfv += t[0].address;
01048                     }
01049                 }
01050                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, mightBeTrueInput) {
01051                     if (t[0].isConstantTerm()){
01052                         nfv--;
01053                     }else{
01054                         xfv += t[0].address;
01055                     }
01056                 }
01057                 *minFunctionValue = (nfv >= 0 ? nfv : 0);
01058                 *maxFunctionValue = (xfv >= 0 ? xfv : 0);
01059             }
01061         public:
01062             SumAtom(bool booleanAtom = false) : AggAtom("sum", booleanAtom) {}
01063     };
01065     class TimesAtom : public AggAtom
01066     {
01067         private:
01068             virtual void compute(const std::vector<Tuple>& trueInput, const std::vector<Tuple>& mightBeTrueInput, unsigned int* minFunctionValue, unsigned int* maxFunctionValue, bool* defined) {
01070                 *defined = false;
01071                 *minFunctionValue = 1;
01072                 *maxFunctionValue = 1;
01073                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, trueInput) {
01074                     *minFunctionValue *= t[0].address;
01075                     *maxFunctionValue *= t[0].address;
01076                     *defined = true;
01077                 }
01078                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, mightBeTrueInput) {
01079                     if (t[0].address == 0) *minFunctionValue = 0;
01080                     if (t[0].address != 0) *maxFunctionValue *= t[0].address;
01081                     *defined = true;
01082                 }
01083             }
01085         public:
01086             TimesAtom(bool booleanAtom = false) : AggAtom("times", booleanAtom) {}
01087     };
01089     class AvgAtom : public AggAtom
01090     {
01091         private:
01092             virtual void compute(const std::vector<Tuple>& trueInput, const std::vector<Tuple>& mightBeTrueInput, unsigned int* minFunctionValue, unsigned int* maxFunctionValue, bool* defined) {
01094                 *defined = false;
01095                 *minFunctionValue = 0;
01096                 *maxFunctionValue = 0;
01097                 int cnt = 0;
01098                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, trueInput) {
01099                     *minFunctionValue += t[0].address;
01100                     *maxFunctionValue += t[0].address;
01101                     cnt++;
01102                     *defined = true;
01103                 }
01105                 int smallest = -1;
01106                 int largest = -1;
01107                 int smallestcnt = 0;
01108                 int largestcnt = 0;
01109                 BOOST_FOREACH (Tuple t, mightBeTrueInput) {
01110                     if (t[0].address == smallest) { smallestcnt++; }
01111                     if (t[0].address == largest) { largestcnt++; }
01112                     if (smallest == -1 || t[0].address < smallest) { smallest = t[0].address; smallestcnt = 1; }
01113                     if (largest == -1 || t[0].address > largest) { largest = t[0].address; largestcnt = 1; }
01114                 }
01115                 if (*defined) {
01116                     if (smallest != -1) {
01117                         if ((*minFunctionValue + smallest * smallestcnt) / (cnt + smallestcnt) < (*minFunctionValue / cnt)){
01118                             *minFunctionValue += smallest * smallestcnt;
01119                             cnt += smallestcnt;
01120                         }
01121                     }
01122                     if (largest != -1) {
01123                         if ((*maxFunctionValue + largest * largestcnt) / (cnt + largestcnt) > (*maxFunctionValue / cnt)){
01124                             *maxFunctionValue += largest * largestcnt;
01125                             cnt += largestcnt;
01126                         }
01127                     }
01128                     *minFunctionValue /= cnt;
01129                     *maxFunctionValue /= cnt;
01130                 }else{
01131                     if (smallest != -1) *minFunctionValue = smallest;
01132                     if (largest != -1) *maxFunctionValue = largest;
01133                 }
01134             }
01136         public:
01137             AvgAtom(bool booleanAtom = false) : AggAtom("avg", booleanAtom) {}
01138     };
01140     class CountAtom : public AggAtom
01141     {
01142         private:
01143             virtual std::string aggFunction(){ return "count"; }
01145             virtual void compute(const std::vector<Tuple>& trueInput, const std::vector<Tuple>& mightBeTrueInput, unsigned int* minFunctionValue, unsigned int* maxFunctionValue, bool* defined) {
01147                 *defined = true;
01148                 *minFunctionValue = trueInput.size();
01149                 *maxFunctionValue = trueInput.size() + mightBeTrueInput.size();
01150             }
01152         public:
01153             CountAtom(bool booleanAtom = false) : AggAtom("count", booleanAtom) {}
01154     };
01156 }
01159 std::vector<PluginAtomPtr> AggregatePlugin::createAtoms(ProgramCtx& ctx) const
01160 {
01161     std::vector<PluginAtomPtr> ret;
01163     // we have to do the program rewriting already here because it creates some side information that we need
01164     AggregatePlugin::CtxData& ctxdata = ctx.getPluginData<AggregatePlugin>();
01166     // return smart pointer with deleter (i.e., delete code compiled into this plugin)
01167     DBGLOG(DBG, "Adding aggregate external atoms");
01168     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new MaxAtom(), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01169     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new MinAtom(), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01170     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new SumAtom(), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01171     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new TimesAtom(), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01172     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new AvgAtom(), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01173     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new CountAtom(), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01174     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new MaxAtom(true), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01175     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new MinAtom(true), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01176     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new SumAtom(true), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01177     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new TimesAtom(true), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01178     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new AvgAtom(true), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01179     ret.push_back(PluginAtomPtr(new CountAtom(true), PluginPtrDeleter<PluginAtom>()));
01181     return ret;
01182 }
01187 // this would be the code to use this plugin as a "real" plugin in a .so file
01188 // but we directly use it in dlvhex.cpp
01189 #if 0
01190 AggregatePlugin theAggregatePlugin;
01192 // return plain C type s.t. all compilers and linkers will like this code
01193 extern "C"
01195 {
01196     return reinterpret_cast<void*>(& DLVHEX_NAMESPACE theAggregatePlugin);
01197 }
01198 #endif
01201 // vim:expandtab:ts=4:sw=4:
01202 // mode: C++
01203 // End: