The Array/HashSearchBackWumpus Family

A Hero for the Wumpus Environment

The ArrayBackSearchWumpus family and the HashSearchBackWumpus family offer some improvements over their ancestors. The most interesting improvement is that it searches for a - hopefully short - way home if it decides it's time to leave the cave.

Each of those algorithms was enhanced using the 'Manhatten-distance'-metric heuristic which always expands the node that is nearest to the goal-field according to that metric. Therefore the algorithms belong to the family of the so-called 'greedy' search algorithms.

The only difference in the above listed agents is the time it takes for them for finding a solution and the amount of memory used to find a solution.

A demonstration shows how one menber of the ArraySearchBackWumpus family and one member of the HashSearchBackWumpus family fare in the Wumpus environment.


Last modified: Sa. June 06 14:34:54 1997 by Christian Schwaiger

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