This page describes the Wumpus-World in detail. Here you will find everything about the possible Percepts and Actions and they ways an agent can die in this Environment.
To be able to measure an agent's ability to fulfill this goal the following scheme for awarding a score to the agent is used:
Small icons are displayed at the side of each agent that represent the move they attempt to make.
Wheter the move was successful or not is displayed with a frame arround this icon.
If the frame-color is green the agent made a successful move. In case of the contrary the frame's color is red.
These moves are only possible if no Wall is blocking the way. In case of such a blocked move a "BUMP"-Percept will be generated, but the agent will not move.
These actions will result in a the throw of a javelin or arrow ( if the agent still has some left when it attempts to shoot ) that kills the Wumpus if its position is in the wind direction of the javelin. If the Wumpus is not hit the javelin will break at the first wall it hits and break into pieces.
This action is only successful if there is at least one piece of gold in the current field. In this case the agent will pick up one piece.
This move is only sucessful in the starting/exit field (the one marked by the green exit-sign ). Wheter the "CLIMB" was or was not sucessful the agent will only know by that fact that it is still in the Wumpus-World or not.
last modified: Sa. June 06 14:34:54 1997 by Christian Schwaiger
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